Hampole Manor House, Doncaster, August 2012
The Manor House, Hampole, August 2012
I can remember this one been a little bit of a hype at the time back in 2012 when I first explored here, I seem to remember for some a lot of people struggling to find the place. I recieved at least 6 messages from different people asking for the location after I published my report on 28 days later. I really don't really understand where the difficulties where coming from as I found this place after on 20 minutes of research.
I don't really understand the hype that the place seemed to generate either, as far as I'm concerned it's a derp house, and not a very good one at that... I'm not usually drawn to these places but one thing caught my eye, something good enough to warrant giving this place a visit. In the garage, still to this day, lies an almost intact Humber Super Snipe. It's condition has deteriated somewhat since I visited but, I do beleive it's still there...
As you'll see from the pictures, barring the Humber Super Snipe, the place is pretty uninspiring really!
Inside the building, still in a semi constructed state...
Swimming Pool...
There was this sculpture too carved into the wall, this was also a tour bus 'money shot' for this place....
So far, pretty dull and derpy... Time to get down to business then!
Fire up the Humber!
The interior was beautifully preserved under the cover of the gargae...
And that's all from this location, unless you have an interest in the Humber I wouldn't recomend it!
Cheers for reading,